City of West Sacramento
Home MenuEnvironmental Commitment
We strive to implement sustainable practices through implementation of the Triple Bottom Line. Our aim is to reduce exposure of building occupants and maintenance personnel to potentially hazardous chemical, biological, and particle contaminants, which adversely impact air quality, health, building finishes, building systems, and the environment. The City practices a low impact environmental cleaning policy in accordance with USGBC LEED recommendations.
Triple Bottom Line
Energy Reduction: Air Conditioning is the largest building expense. Our Energy Management system is programmable to dictate the most efficient use of heating and cooling systems. Units are off during non-occupied times. Temperature set-points may be adjusted remotely. Outside air is employed for free pre-cooling or heating when the conditions are available. It's also utilized to regulate ambient CO2 levels for optimum indoor air quality.
Water: Reduced flow strainers are used on bathroom faucets. Touchless water faucets are frequently used and encouraged as standard faucet replacements. They use less water and reduce spread of germs.
Materials: Many items are repaired rather than replaced. This reduces consumption of resources and impact to the landfill. Paper products are made of recycled content and are natural/unbleached. Microfiber towels are used and reused for cleaning rather than paper towels.
Environment/Recycling: Green Seal approved cleaning products are employed that contain no VOC's. Maintenance staff acquires a large amount of spent batteries and fluorescent light tubes. These are discarded in compliance with applicable regulations in the most safe and efficient manner. Stationary Engineers are EPA certified to work with refrigerant on HVAC units.